Smart Digi Box is the vast repository of digital content developed and aggregated by Smart Educations on every subject in the K12 spectrum, which the teacher could easily access and project in the classroom that illuminates and explains abstract and difficult. Smart Educations provides end-to-end education solutions in the K-12 segment. Smart Digi class is an advanced technology implementation for schools, which includes Smart Hardware, Software and Multimedia Content designed to assist teachers in meeting day to day classroom challenges and enhancing student’s academic performance. Smart Digi class aims at converting traditional classrooms into interactive learning centres by - including audiovisual aids, demonstrations, simulations, rhymes, games, activity sheets, e-books and 3D interactivity – that helps teacher to explain the concepts in class in better way.
It is a technology leveraged improve the teaching-learning system by creating an environment where teacher is empowerd to teach better and student is inspired to learn better. the digital cotent is present in a teacher lead fomat and is mapped to the curriculum. Teahers can use the digital resource like animations, video clips and simulated modules as a part of their 35-40 minutes classroom period to teach the specific topic in classroom making learning activities a fun.
Affordable pricing is a key element of the product.
Its mobility feature makes it possible to convert every class to a Smartclass.
Easy handling of the product makes it unique as compared to traditional smart class.
Using Smart DIGI-Box is no rocket science. The simplicity and flexibility offered by the product adds to its value.
This feature makes it very easy for its users to make the best utilization of the product.
The unique air mouse with wireless keyboard turns the class into highly interactive class enabling multi sensory learning experience for the students. Interactive remote enable teachers to control 95% of classroom PC features so that they are free to walk around.
Schools have an essential role in preparing students to become productive members of society. Educators around the world have the same vision for their schools. Smart class plays a vital role in it.
Supports in-class interaction using functions such as screen sharing, screen monitoring, group activity, quiz and poll and much more.
Aids teachers in course management, administration and lesson planning.
With animation and multimedia (Audio and Video) rich content, difficult concept becomes very easy to explain making it effective tool for the weakest member of the class.
Smart hardware are designed to complement the teaching environment, hence improves the quality of teaching and effectiveness of learning.
By being engaging and visual, the course materials are easily reinforced and increase the retention. It works on the principle that what you see in action is what you remember.
Smart DIGI-Class consists of an exhaustive repository of world class digital modules or lessons, (consisting of 2D and 3D animations, graphics, audio and video) on every subject in the K12 spectrum, which the teacher could easily access and project in the classroom that could explain abstract and difficult concepts with liquid clarity. multimedia The content is academically very strong. The modules built with instructor-led design are designed for maximum effectiveness in a classroom environment. Due to our vast experience in the education sector, we have recognized the need to prepare quality content that is easy for students to absorb and understand.
Lesson Plans - Active Learning Experiences Smart DIGI class lesson plans, are designed & developed by the expert so as to ensure the child's espouser to Indian and International teaching methodologies. .
Wide rage of Multisensory skills are aim to develop the child hidden skills. .
Short-duration rich interactive multimedia nuggets that help students visualise difficult concepts. .
Creatively designed worksheets that promote thinking skills. .
End of topic quizzes for quick reinforcement. .
We help teachers adopt our solutions smoothly through a comprehensive training on making use of Smart DIGI-class in classrooms.
- Implementing Technology infrastructure.
- Providing basic on-call support.
- Solving issues related to hardware and technology.